Composing iterator-returning functions

A few days ago I was reviewing a piece of Python code. I was looking for a bug, but in the process I found a very interesting function.

The system allows the user to “extend” the structure of Products by providing more attributes which can be used later on when creating Sale (or Purchase) Orders. The Product object is like a class defining the structure, and the items in Orders are the instances of such classes.

When trying to export a full catalog, each attribute implies a new row in the spreadsheet file. To avoid too much coupling, this process was modeled by a kind of seeded generation of every possible row. The algorithm started with a seed instance of a product without any attribute, and then it generated every possible attribute-complete instance by composing several functions that took a instance and returned a iterator of instances. Each function deals with a specific type of attribute, and simply copies those attributes in the instances being generated.

The function doing the generation of all possible instance was more or less like this:

def iter_product(initial, *funcs):
   if not funcs:
      yield initial
      f, *fs = funcs
      for x in f(initial):
         yield from iter_product(x, *fs)

That definition was OK, but I wondered if I could build just the composition of several functions returning iterators, so that I can reuse it with several initial objects.

A little incursion in Haskell

In order to test my Haskell, I did first a Haskell version. I started by trying to create a composition operator much like the (.) operator, which has type:

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

The type of our composition of iterator-returning functions would be:

infixr 9 >>.
(>>.) :: (b -> [c]) -> (a -> [b]) -> a -> [c]

The choice of (>>.) as the operator will become (I hope) evident. The most straightforward implementation and easy to understand is using the list-comprehension syntax:

g >>. f = \x -> [z| y <- f x, z <- g y]

Can we generalize this? Yes! The list is an instance of a Monad, defined as:

instance Monad [a] where
    return x = [x]
    m >>= f  = concat (map f m)

And list comprehensions can be easily rewritten using the do notation:

(>>.) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
g >>. f = \x -> do{y <- f x; z <- g y; return z}

The monadic >>= operator is usually called the bind. It’s type is

Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

So, I think there’s a compact way to write our >>. operator. And, now you may start to see why I chose >>..

The do notation is just syntax-sugar over using >>= (or its brother >>). The rules are given here. So let’s transform our implementation. We start we our current definition:

\x -> do {y <- f x; z <- g y; return z}

And rewrite the do two times until there are no more:

\x -> let s1 y = do {z <- g y; return z} in f x >>= s1

\x -> let s1 y = (let s2 z = return z in g y >>= s2) in f x >>= s1

Now, we can recall the eta-conversion rule and see that s2 = return, so:

\x -> let s1 y = (g y >>= return) in f x >>= s1

Now we can use the monadic “law” that states the m >>= return must be equivalent to m:

\x -> let s1 y = g y in f x >>= s1

And, once more, the eta-conversion help us to remove the let, because s1 == g. Thus we get:

(>>.)  :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
g >>. f = \x -> f x >>= g

This is as good as I was able to get. Since we’re using >>=, I think this is the best we can get (i.e. we can’t generalize to Applicative).

Chaining several iterator-returning functions

Now, I can define a chain function. It takes a list of several a -> m a functions and compose them together (from right to left, as expected):

chain :: Monad m => [a -> m a] -> a -> m a

My first attempt was:

chain :: Monad m => [a -> m a] -> a -> m a
chain []  = return
chain (f:fs) = f >>. (chain fs)

But, then I realized that’s a fold:

chain :: (Foldable l, Monad m) => l (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
chain = foldr (>>.) return

And that completes our incursion in Haskell.

Doing the same in Python

Going from this Haskell definition of chain to Python is quite easy. But we’re not going to work with any possible monad, just lists (iterators, actually).

from functools import reduce

def iter_compose(*fs):
    if len(fs) == 2:
        # optimize the 'lambda x: [x]' for the *usual* case of 2-args.
        return _compose(*fs)
        return reduce(_compose, fs, lambda x: [x])

def _compose(g, f):
   return lambda x: (z for y in f(x) for z in g(y))

We have included iter_compose() in xoutil 1.9.6 and 2.0.6.